Angling Licence and Permits Northern Ireland |





 Click on the image above to go to booking site

(log in or create an account)

DAERA area angling permits and Loughs Agency Rod Licences can be booked independently by yourself if you are anyway tech savvy at all.

Do not give up. You will get there in the end and have your Angling Number etc ready for storage in your phone or print a paper copy of for  safe keeping, primarily for when you need to produce it when asked, while angling. 

You need an email address and way of online payment.

This is a digital number and not a physical card.

 Click on the image above for Northern Ireland  Game and Coarse angling rod licence and public angling area permit window.

North Atlantic Fishing Ni can help and assist with booking and storing your angling permit and rod licence numbers for disabled, retired and other qualifying, consessionarie individuals that aren't tech minded and having trouble with the electronic system and online payments. We will take care of this. 

 Just email us at :

 or call : 07872102335 and we will arrange a time for your visit and what to bring along. This service is free and only for qualifying consessionarie rod licence and angling permit holders. (National insurance number needed when booking for proof)

We also book day tickets for the visiting / touring angler looking to fish public rivers and lakes sensibly here in Northern Ireland without the added extras and costs. | Get Hooked